libname dane '/home/10sasdemo01/sasuser.viya/SZ00001' ; proc print; run; proc print; run; proc print; var name policy balancedue; where pctinsured < 100; sum balancedue; run; proc sort data=dane.admit out=work.admit; by actlevel; run; proc print data=work.admit; var age height weight fee; where age>30; sum fee; by actlevel; id actlevel; run; TITLE; FOOTNOTE ; /* TITLE 'text'; FOOTNOTE 'text'; n = 1 to 10 n is a number from 1 to 10 that specifies the title or footnote line, and 'text' is the actual title or footnote to be displayed. The maximum title or footnote length depends on your operating environment and on the value of the LINESIZE= option. The keyword TITLE is equivalent to TITLE1. Likewise, FOOTNOTE is equivalent to FOOTNOTE1. If you do not specify a title, the default title is The SAS System. No footnote is printed unless you specify one */ title1 'Heart Rates for Patients with:'; title3 'Increased Stress Tolerance Levels'; proc print data=dane.stress; var resthr maxhr rechr; where tolerance='I'; run; footnote1 'Data from Treadmill Tests'; footnote3 '1st Quarter Admissions'; proc print data=dane.stress; var resthr maxhr rechr; where tolerance='I'; run; title1 'Heart Rates for Patients with'; title3 'Participation in Exercise Therapy'; footnote1 'Data from Treadmill Tests'; footnote3 '1st Quarter Admissions'; proc print data=dane.therapy; var swim walkjogrun aerclass; run; title2 'Report for March'; proc print data=dane.therapy; run; title1; title3; footnote1; footnote3; title; proc print data=dane.therapy label; label walkjogrun='Walk/Jog/Run'; run; proc print data=dane.admit label; var actlevel height weight; label actlevel='Activity Level' height='Height in Inches' weight='Weight in Pounds'; run; data; set dane.laguardia; where dest='PAR' and (boarded=155 or boarded=146); label date='Departure Date'; run; data; set dane.laguardia; where dest='PAR' and boarded in (155,146); label date='Departure Date'; run; proc print label; var date dest boarded; run; /* fast excel Proc import libname nazwa xlsx 'plik.xlsx' */ libname newF xlsx '/home/10sasdemo01/sasuser.viya/SZ00001/nowy_excel.xlsx'; data newF.akrusz1; set sashelp.class; where age>14; run; /* proc SQL */ proc print data=sashelp.class; run; proc sql; select * from sashelp.class; quit; proc sql; select name, age from sashelp.class; quit; proc print data=sashelp.class; var name age; run; proc sql; select name, height as 'height inches'n, (height*2.54) as height_in_cm from sashelp.class; run; proc sql; create table testowa as select name, height as 'height inches'n, (height*2.54) as height_in_cm from sashelp.class; run; /* proc sql; select columns from table where expression group by column having expression order by column quit; */ proc sql feedback; select * from sashelp.class; quit; proc sql outobs=7; select * from sashelp.class; quit; proc sql; select name, height as height_old, (height*2.54) as height_in_cm, CALCULATED height_in_cm/2.54 as height from sashelp.class; quit; proc sql; select distinct name from sashelp.class; quit; proc sql ; create table test(drop=make model) as select * from; quit; /* funkcje */ data czas; x = today(); z = '10OCT2020'd; y = year(x); y2 = month(z); format x z date9.; run; proc print; run; data rok50; set sashelp.air; where date > '01JAN50'd; run; data test2; set sashelp.air; * rok = year(date); where year(date) = 1950; run; data liczby; length a 8.; a = 34.5434; b = floor(a); c = ceil(a); d = int(a); e = round(a,2); f = abs(a); g = exp(a); h = round(log(a),0.01); i = round(log10(a),0.1); j = sqrt(a); k = sign(a); sin = sin(a); cos = cos(a); label a='edytowana liczba' b = 'l int w dol' c = 'l int w gore' ; run; proc print label;run; data agregacje; x1 = 34.23; x2 = 12.453; x3 = 43.2323; suma = sum(x1,x2); suma3 = sum(of x1-x3); max = max(x1,x2); min = min(x1,x2); mean = mean(x1,x2); var = var(x1,x2); sd = std(x1,x2); sd2 = sd**2; nmis = nmiss(x1,x2); range = range(x1,x2); run; proc print label;run;