Libname dane '/home/10sasdemo01/sasuser.viya/SZ00001/'; data dane.t1; * uswtawiamy miejsce docelowe; set; * petla glowna; run; data zbior; do i=1 to 10; x=i+2; output; end; drop i; run; data dane.t2; set zbior; x = x+100; run; proc print; run; data w; a = 1; output; a = '1'; output; run; proc print; run; data _null_; a = 1; put 'a= ' a; put a; run; data _null_; a = 3; put 'wektor PDV = ' _all_; run; data _null_; set dane.t2; put 'wektor PDV = ' _all_; put _error_ ; put _N_; run; /* zmienne */ data dane.zmienne; length txt1 txt2 $12; length n1 n2 n3 3; txt1= "Sebastian ZajÄ…c"; n1 = 123; run; proc print data=dane.zmienne; run; data dane.ret_test; retain a 0; length b $5; b='to jest bardzo dlugi napis'; a = a+1; put a; put _all_; run; proc print; run; data dane.Example; input profit; datalines; 12 54 14 44 45 ; run; data example1; retain cum_sum 0; set dane.example; cum_sum=cum_sum+profit; run; proc print data= example1; run; data _null_; length wiersz 8; set sashelp.class; wiersz = wiersz +1; put wiersz; run; /* A teraz inaczej */ data _null_; length wiersz 8; retain wiersz 0; set sashelp.class; wiersz = wiersz +1; put wiersz; run; proc sort data=sashelp.bmimen out=dane.bmi; by age; run; data underweight; length underweight $3.; set dane.bmi; by age; retain underweight; if first.age then underweight="NO"; if bmi lt 18.5 then underweight="YES"; if last.age then output; run; proc print data=underweight(firstobs=215 obs=225); run; data example3; do i=1 to 20; month=rand('integer', 1, 12); sales=rand('integer', 1, 100); output; end; drop i; run; proc sort data=example3; by month; quit; data cum_sum; set example3; by month; retain cum_sum; if first.month then cum_sum=sales; else cum_sum=cum_sum + sales; run; /* Filtrowanie */ data b; set sashelp.class; x = weight; keep sex height x; run; data c; set sashelp.class; drop sex height; run; proc sql; create table dane.sex_h as select sex, height from sashelp.class; quit; data b; set sashelp.class(keep=sex height); x = weight; run; proc sql; create table dane.sex_h as select sex, height from sashelp.class where height > 60; quit; proc print data=dane.sex_h; run; data b; set sashelp.class; where height > 60; run; data dane.boys(where=(sex='M')) dane.girls(where=(sex='F')); set sashelp.class; run; data ren; set sashelp.class; x = sex; rename sex=plec age=wiek; run; data ren; set sashelp.class(rename=(sex=plec)); x = sex; run; proc sql; create table dane.sex_h as select sex as plec, height as wzrost from sashelp.class where height > 60; quit; proc print data=dane.sex_h; run; /* zadanie przeliczyc sashelp.class -> wzrost i wage na metry i kg. Nazwy zmiennych uzupelnij w jezyku polskim. Zbior podziel na Kobiety i Mezczyzn. Jak uzywac between oraz jak wskazac w where wartosc brakow danych. */ data a; x=date(); y=today(); t=time(); dt=datetime(); format x y date9. t time9. dt datetime18. ; run; data a; dt=datetime(); dp=datepart(dt); tp=timepart(dt); format dt datetime18. dp date9. tp time9. ; run; data a; d=today(); year = year(d); quarter = qtr(d); month = month(d); day = day(d); week = week(d); weekday = weekday(d); format d date9.; run; data a; t = time(); h = hour(t); m = minute(t); s = second(t); format t time9.; run; data a; d = mdy(10,10,2019); dt = dhms(d,19,20,34); t =hms(13,42,13); format d date9. t time9. dt datetime18. ; run;